Fantastic Projects- RG and otherwise
I'm looking for really unusual, creative or different projects to highlight. Superb RG specials fit the bill, too. Let me know if you have something to share here!
I like a neat build, but bikes that run and are used hard really make me happy. Building a special is a job, no doubt. Collecting a lot of parts and screwing them together takes skill... making special little bits and pieces can be an art. Making everything fit, and function, is an additonal talent. But that's only part of the job. For the most part, RG fans are here because these bikes are hot rods. We're hard core 2-stroke fans and we've got our hands on the biggest, baddest roadgoing 2-stroke of the 1980s.
We worshipped at the altar of 500 Grand Prix, wore out our "Schwantz" T-shirts and raised a glass to Barry Sheene. Whether or not we're actally racers, we all feel like one when we kickstart that square-four and hear the snarl of those 4 exhausts.
Taking all that STUFF, taking that collection of parts, and turning it into a high-performance vehicle that can run hard laps and cross swords with other well-sorted bikes... That's the cherry on top. Kudos to all you who build something fantastic and then do the unthinkable... risk it all to find out how it actually works. Cheers to every builder who pours blood and sweat into a project bike and keeps on going, sorting all the things that make it into The Real Thing.... dialing suspension, jetting, controls, gearing, keeping at it until the riding experience matches the parking-lot cred.
I know not all projects are destined to make it to the finish line. I know not everyone is into racing, or track time. I have half-finished bikes in my garage as well.. (cringe, thinking of the stree-legal TZ250 that never happened) I know that some bikes are an engineering exercise, or simply rolling art. But for me, I love specials that can deliver the goods. That's my soft spot.
Anyway, here's a little of both!
I can be contacted at rg500delta@mac.com